Startup Everyone

What is Startup Everyone?

Startup Everyone is an effort to provide a universal basic income to everyone.

Why are you doing this?

We live in a time when we can produce enough food to feed everyone on Earth, yet people still go hungry. Resources are sufficiently abundant. It is unconscionable that people should still struggle just to survive.

Startups are being given so much seed money, more money than many companies have earned during their entire operating history, just to to see if they can produce something of value.

Digital payment technology has reached a point where it’s possible to send money to many people for a reasonably low cost.

The timing is right for a number of reasons to provide every person the resources necessary to ensure their basic needs are met.

In essence: we want to startup everyone.

Who is it for?

Everyone. Everyone who needs it. Everyone who wants it.

Everyone should have their basic needs met.

How will you do this?

We will collect money contributed by those who choose to give it, and distribute money to people who need it.

We will publish anonymized data that documents all funds that are received and distributed, so that everyone can verify that we are fulfilling our mission and that the money is going where we say it is.

“I could really use some additional money to help make ends meet. What do I need to do to participate?”

We’re still figuring out the logistics of signing people up and getting funds to everyone.

When we’re ready, we’ll post an update and give instructions on how to sign up.

“This all sounds amazing. I’d really like to help. How can I help?”

We’re still figuring out what help we need and how to organize volunteer efforts.

If you’d like to join us in our mission, email us at and tell us about yourself and how you can volunteer to help.

We also have a Discord server that you can join.

Has anything like this been done before? Are there examples?

Here is an ongoing list of related efforts:

  • Cambridge to begin guaranteed income program for single-parent households

    Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui announced Thursday that the city, through a public-private partnership, has raised $1.5 million for an initiative that gives out $500 a month to 120 households headed by a lone caretaker, such as a single mother. Last November the city of Chelsea launched a similar program for about 2,000 low-income families in what is considered the country’s biggest experiment of the guaranteed income idea. [April 15, 2021]

  • Give kids aging out of the foster care system money to survive

    One of America’s most populous counties is piloting an income guarantee to young adults who age out of the foster care system, providing much-needed support for vulnerable youth transitioning into adulthood. Other cities and counties should follow Santa Clara County’s lead. [February 11, 2021]